How Cannabis Can Help You Live a Healthier, Less Stressful Life

There’s more to weed than a good time. Explore the natural health benefits of cannabis.

Let’s face it. Your lifestyle is taking a toll on you. From the time you wake until the moment you crawl into bed, you’re probably overstressed and under-nourished (physically and mentally). 

And there’s a good chance your doctor has prescribed a laundry list of medications with detrimental side-effects.

There has to be a healthier alternative, right? There is! 

People have consumed cannabis for wellness long before doctors prescribed lab-developed medications for every ailment under the sun.

With more states relaxing medical and recreational cannabis restrictions, more people are turning to the ancient plant as a healthy alternative to prescription medication. 

We’ve already shown that cannabis can restore your sleep cycle, but you should be aware of the many other health benefits that can come from cannabinoids like CBD and THC.

What are the differences between CBD and THC?

CBD and THC are the two most prevalent cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. 

CBD stands for cannabidiol. And even though it comes from the cannabis plant, CBD is non-psychoactive, which means it won’t get you high. According to the World Health Organization, CBD has exhibited no effects of abuse or dependence in humans

On the other hand, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is a psychoactive compound – meaning it will get you high.

Both CBD and THC interact with your body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which in turn can affect a wide range of functions and processes such as pain, sleep, appetite, memory, and mood.

Cannabis can relieve your chronic pain.

Experts estimate that over 50 million people in the US suffer from chronic pain. That’s a staggering figure! 

Countless people go about their daily routines in constant agony from chronic ailments like headaches/migraines, nerve damage, back pain, or illnesses and diseases like fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. 

Studies have shown that cannabis can help manage and reduce the pain from illnesses like those listed above. Pre-clinical trials have also found that cannabis has helped people undergoing harsh chemotherapy treatments. 

Strains that have been known to have anti-inflammatory effects typically include both THC and CBD. There is a drug used to treat multiple sclerosis pain called Sativex, which combines both compounds and has been shown to improve the quality of life for people with MS.

Reduce your crippling anxiety.

Many people experience anxiety every day, with symptoms ranging from worry to tension to full-blown panic attacks complete with chest pains and shortness of breath. 

Anxiety disorders affect a whopping 31% of US adults. The treatments for such disorders sometimes include natural remedies like counseling and meditation. 

However, the backbone for anxiety relief comes from prescription medications like Lexapro and Xanax, which can have devastating repercussions on your health, including respiratory failure and death.

Fortunately, the more natural approach to short-term generalized anxiety disorder relief can come from–you guessed it, cannabis. It’s not surprising when you consider that cannabis is known for providing people with mellow, chill experiences. 

Scientists at Washington State University have found that cannabis can significantly reduce the symptoms of anxiety, depression, stress, agoraphobia, and post-traumatic stress disorders in moderation.

While the non-psychoactive compound (CBD) is generally the preferred method for these types of therapeutic purposes, there is evidence that low-doses of THC can help reduce social anxiety.

Cannabis can help you drink less alcohol.

You’ve overindulged during the holidays and could stand to give your liver, kidneys, and mental health a break. However, you don’t think your alcohol consumption is extreme enough to warrant a 12-step therapy program. You could stand just to cut back and go dry for a while. 

Cannabis might be the answer!

Many people have begun to swap booze for weed. The reason? Cannabis is less hazardous to your health than alcohol.

Abstinence isn’t always easy, but cannabis can help soften the blow of detoxification. Not to mention, cutting back on booze can lower your weight. This leads to the next benefit:

Cannabis can help you lose weight. 

In popular culture, the idea of the couch-sitting stoner gorging on gas station nachos because they have the “munchies” is all too common.

Indeed, THC can trick the brain into believing you are hungry despite being full, and cannabis has been used to boost appetites in patients battling cancer. However, researchers are looking into how cannabis can play in metabolism and fat loss.

A study in 2018 puts to rest the myth of the slovenly weed smoker and notes how some regular cannabis consumers have reduced their body mass indexes and obesity rates. THC seems to boost metabolism as well as change the gut microbiome, regulating weight loss and digestion.

Does this mean smoking a joint regularly will bestow you with a svelte physique? Of course not. Cannabis isn’t a weight-loss cure. You will still need to exercise and practice healthy eating habits.

Cannabis can ease your taxed digestive system.

Each year, over 60 million Americans are diagnosed with digestive disorders such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gallstones, gastritis, Crohn’s disease, peptic ulcers, and ulcerative colitis.

To make matters worse, treatments for these disorders are often ineffective and come with unwanted side effects. Fortunately, cannabis can provide natural gut-health relief. 

In ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic traditions, healers often prescribed cannabis to solve digestive issues. Today, researchers have found that cannabis can play a role in your overall digestive health. 

There are cannabinoid receptors throughout the digestive system, and it’s been theorized that ailments like IBS could result from a cannabinoid deficiency. One study reports that people treating IBS with cannabis found their symptoms to improve significantly, and in some instances, even disappear entirely. 

While further studies need to be conducted to determine if cannabis is a viable treatment for digestive disorders, there’s enough research to indicate that cannabis can ease these disorders by lessening abdominal inflammation and reducing nausea and diarrhea.

Edibles are healthier than inhalable cannabis.

Inhaling cannabis (flower, vaped concentrates) isn’t healthy for your lungs. Smoking damages the lung’s cell lining, leading to issues like chronic bronchitis and lower respiratory infections. Inhaling cannabis can also impair your lung capacity, making it harder to combat respiratory diseases (ahem, coronavirus). 

If you want to achieve a healthier lifestyle with cannabis, put down the vape pen and give edibles a try?

*Please consult a physician before starting any cannabis treatments or contact the experts at Leaf411 at 844-LEAF411.

High Notes - Cannabis Edibles

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