The High Notes Guide to Enjoying Cannabis Edibles

With a dash of know-how and a generous helping of patience, edibles might be the easiest, safest way to consume cannabis. Here’s our guide to enjoying High Notes cannabis chews.

Flower and edibles – what’s the difference?

When you smoke cannabis flower or concentrates, THC, the compound that gets you high, is absorbed through your lungs directly into the bloodstream, so you’ll feel the effects within minutes.

Edibles, on the other hand, can take a lot longer to kick in – from 30 minutes, all the way up to two hours. When you eat an edible, it takes more time for the THC to reach the bloodstream. It moves from the gut and onto the liver, where it’s metabolized into 11-hydroxytetrahydrocannabinol or 11-OH-THC.

Stronger and longer-lasting.

Milligram for milligram, 11-OH-THC is more potent than regular THC, and the effects last for longer.

11-OH-THC passes the blood-brain barrier much more readily than regular THC. As a result, the effects of ingesting 1 mg of THC are equivalent to smoking 5.71 mg of THC.

As for longevity, while the effects of smoking cannabis last for three to four hours, the peak high from eating edibles can last for two to six hours, and you can still feel the aftereffects for up to 12 hours after eating.

The exact duration of your high depends on factors like body weight, THC tolerance, how much of the edible you eat, and how much other food you’ve eaten. These variables can also affect your high intensity.

What if I get too high?

We’ve all heard the story. The edible newbie takes a bite of a brownie, feels nothing … has another nibble, sober as can be … eats a bit more, and so on … until finally, three hours later, they’re wondering if they’ll ever be able to stand up from the couch again.

This doesn’t have to happen to you. With a little patience, you can get just as high as you want to.

Take it easy.

Remember the golden rule when it comes to edibles: Start low, go slow.

If you’re a first-timer, begin with 1 to 2.5 mg of THC. You’ll probably feel a nice warm buzz, with increased focus and creativity, and mild relief of pain, stress, and other symptoms.

Next, take a seat, put on your favorite movie, and wait. Remember, the peak effects of edibles can last for two to six hours, so wait for at least this long before eating any more.

When you’ve built up some experience with edibles, you can begin to experiment with higher doses. Make sure you build up slowly, though – don’t increase your quantity by more than five milligrams each time.

2.5 mg to 15 mg of THC will bring euphoria, more substantial pain and stress relief, and impaired coordination and perception. 15 – 50 mg is best suited for those with a high THC tolerance, ushering in some intense euphoria and significantly impaired coordination. 50 mg or more? Prepare for takeoff – and give us a wave from space!

Our High Notes cannabis chews come with a single 50 mg THC piece per package, but that doesn’t mean you have to pack a space suit for every time you feel like indulging. Finding the right dose is easy – bite off a corner and enjoy the ride.

What if I do over consume?

Try not to worry. Many of us have been there.

First of all, talk yourself down, and remind yourself that the feeling will pass. “You are not going to stop breathing, and you are not going to die,” says Dr. Bonni Goldstein, a physician specializing in cannabis medicine. “Try to take your mind off it. Watch television for the distraction, or lie down and take a nap.”

When you do nod off eventually, you’ll probably wake up feeling more refreshed than you have in a while. That’s one of the beauties of edibles, like our High Notes cannabis chews. Because the effects last for longer, cannabis-infused foods are perfect for falling and staying asleep.

Perfect for many occasions.

But that’s not all our cannabis chews are perfect for. Infused with all-natural, Oregon-made cannabis oil, High Notes cannabis chews are an ideal complement to a wholesome Saturday brunch or your midweek wind down. Available in three delicious flavors, Dark Chocolate, Strawberry Cream, and Thai Iced Tea, every chew is perfectly dosed and reasonably priced.

Just remember the golden rule when you indulge in our cannabis chews: Start low, go slow, and enjoy the ride!